
DIY Pink Letter Board

by - 5:00 AM

What better way to snap my blogging drought than with a fun (and colorful) DIY. I am a sucker for a simple and easy to execute projects; especially when is involves pink paint! I've had my eyes on some pink letter boards for awhile now, but could never get over how damn expensive they were. This is when the DIYer in me takes over. 

This project is so easy; you only need four things (five if you want white letters like me) to accomplish it.

- White letter board (found mine for $10 here)
- Acrylic paint in the color of your choosing 
- Textile medium 
- Paintbrush 
- White spray paint (optional)

In a disposable cup, mix together your acrylic paint and textile medium. This allows the paint to be easier to work with and last longer. Next, using a larger paint brush, paint on the felt board with the mixture. Allow to dry and ta da, you are done! I preferred to have white letters, so I spray painted mine white. This step isn't necessary but equally as easy. 

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