Braid Easy {Ramblings on Easy DIY's}

by - 10:21 AM

A few weeks ago I posted this image from Nobody Knows Marc. I have been itching to try it out, and today was the perfect day. I decided to use neon rope and chain but try experimenting with different materials and colors. This is an easy DIY; I completed it in about 1/2 an hour!
 What You Need:
 {Rope in various colors, chain, jump rings, lobster claws, and hot glue gun}
 Start by tying a over-hand knot 
{Tutorial here}
 Braid the rope and chain to the length you want it and tie another over hand knot at the end
 Sew the jump ring at the beginning to the rope for stability
 Glue the leftover pieces at the end to the braid
 Then cut them off
 Add a jump ring to one end with the chain
 Measure around your neck to see how long you want the chain to be and then cut and add a lobster claw
 Finished Product
Hope you enjoyed! I might even make my chain a little shorter for a different look!

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