The Nude Black

by - 9:04 AM

The Camel Hues have taken the Fashion World by storm; some even dubbing it the new black. This color has not only been a big trend in the clothing industry but also is the beauty industry. Nails are donning the Khaki color and eyeshadows are being offered in more neutral shades. The new shade is a an easy way to bring a casualness to any outfit.

H&M's new catalog is filled with luscious Carmel hues. My favorite is this trench ($34.95) and leather gloves ($19.95) on Sasha Pivovarova.

Pair any camel look with this shoulder bag from Forever 21 ($18.80).

Chanel's new nail shades are being raved about by all fashion magazines. Their new Khaki shades allow anyone to take part in the neutral craze.

Even when your driving you can work the Nude shades with these sunglasses from Forever 21 ($5.80)

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