Music Files: Florence and the Machine
The other day I was listening to the Eclipse soundtrack when the song "Heavy in Your Arms" started playing by Florence and the Machine. At first, I didn't know what to make of the song I was hearing. Part of me loved the hauntingly beautiful voice of the leading vocalist, Florence, but another part of me didn't know how to feel about the rock like music in the background. I found the band's first album on itunes and enthrawled myself into listening to the 30 second snipits. I fell in love! It is the type of CD that you can listen to over and over again without ever getting bored, and that, my friends, is hard to come by. I purchased then album and transferred it straight away to my blue ipod. The past few days have been spent with me plugged into my blinged out earbuds listening to my new favorite band.
Their first album Lungs debuted in 2009, and after six months, it reached No. 1 on the UK charts. They are starting to make their way over to the U.S and are capturing the hearts of many. Go listen to some of their songs on myspace (, and then go buy this album! I promise you will not regret it! ♥ Florence and the Machine