
Back to School

by - 5:28 PM

For some reason, when I hear back to school, I start singing the Christmas song "It's the most wonderful time of the year." Call me crazy, but I have always been one to jump and sing for joy when school start back up in August. I love buying new clothes for a new year and more importantly I ♥ buying the adorable school supplies that I use throughout the year. I never purchased the drab binders or notebooks; there was always some sort of color or pattern. It didn't just stop there. My schoolbags were never the classic backpacks; I always wanted a giant tote to hold my glorious supplies.

I thought my weird obsession with back to school shopping would come to an end when I entered my college years, but alas, I still find myself running to Target when the back to school flyers come out in the paper. This week my sister, mom and I ventured to Target for our yearly supply purchasing. My younger sister was determined to buy these $5 composition books. I could not believe she was willing to spend $5 on a composition book when they normally cost 25 cents. But, there was something different about these books; the pages were made from stone. Yes, you heard me, stone. The pages are flexible and do not teaar easily. The company that makes these marvelous notebooks is green room. They have a website which is http://www.greenroomeco.com and all of their products are available at Target stores across the country.

I have posted some of my top supply picks for this upcoming school year! So enjoy!

green room composition books

Jansport backpack on Jansport.com

Alternative school bag $32.80

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